Marshmello Trains To Be A Soccer Pro In New Video For “Stars”

Marshmello Trains To Be A Soccer Pro In New Video For “Stars”

Following up the recent music movie for “Flashbacks,” just a little less than two weeks past, Marshmello yields with a different movie from Joytime II, “Stars. ”

In this movie, the candy treat and the shape of his head struggle as it s not quite conducive to head shots in football – the top and corners are all difficult for aiming. (And there are pictures of gamers with his head anywhere?)

He and his daddy bond over this new purpose as a training montage follows until he enters his first match and shows up all the gamers who doubted him on. As his dad cheers from behind the weapon, everybody has a sudden change of heart and takes him.

It’s a magical story – watch it unfold beneath.

This article was initially printed on Your EDM. Source: Marshmello Trains To Be A Soccer Pro In New Video For “Stars”

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